Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Hiiii Everyone! Well, hows abouts an update. si?

I've moved into my new apt.. eh hum... I mean, WE moved into OUR new apt. ;) It's smaller than our last, but better. I have a great view and so far, we're finding it very easy to cozy ourselves in for the next few months. It's gonna be a chill ass summer, Texas style.

My man just returned back from tour a lil over a week ago. He flew home a day early and suprised me roses in tow and all! sooo dreamy. He was gone almost 8 wks and I missed him so. It was good though because we both got a chance to think and see if this is something we truly wanna continue. I'm happy to say we're heading into year number 2 and things are slowly getting easier. For the first time say that I have RESPECT for the man I'm with. I think I've met my match girls...

I've been practicing a clutter free lifestyle. I got rid of all kinds of shit in my move. I sat there sometimes confused as to how I accumulated sooo much bs. Luckily, it's all gone and ya know, it's true what they say... Your mind can't be at rest when you have chaotic settings. I feel a million times better and now I can focus what real. I'm 23 now. Time to live.

Well, life moves forward and after the last few shitty years... I'm ready to just chill, relax and enjoy what life has in store for me. I guess there's a mysterious contentment that comes with accepting things. I hope that you all know how much I miss you. I think of you often and smile...

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